
Oh, what a life this is, isn't it? Some time ago, I was waiting for dinner to come out of the oven in my apartment. I got my laptop out to start writing a previous blog post while the meal was cooking. I was sitting at the kitchen counter with my apron on, feeling like I was doing some pretty important stuff! My roommate walked into the room, looked at me, and said, "Ya know Jackie, you look like a mom right now. Too cute!" If I'm being honest, I was flattered. I cannot wait for the day when I can be a mother and become one, too. But just because I am excited to raise children, doesn't mean that I will be good at it or even know what to do when I hold that little baby in my arms for the first time. I am mostly excited to be a mother so I can feel that deep, particular love for someone because I know that kind of love will teach me even more about what Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ feel for us. It seems kinda terrifying raising a sweet, innocent baby in the world we live in today filled with so much bad. However, it is also extremely important to remember all the good that we have in our lives. Happiness and joy can always be felt as long as we make an effort. It isn't the end. Think about it, my parents did an amazing job. I say that as if they are finished, but in reality they are no where close haha! They have grand kids running around their house now. They teach them respect, love, and how to feel joy. In a way, they are still parenting all their children. My siblings, in-laws, and I have all turned to them one time or another for advice or comfort. They never hesitate to help.
I hold my mother so close to my heart and mind. I think of her every day, involving her in my prayers of gratitude. It seems that her kindness is eternal. She continually serves others no matter what she is going through personally. She has this glint in her eyes that tells you immediately that she loves you and she will be there for you. Her hands are full of  lines and callouses, showing all her hard work and dedication she has. She is so completely empathetic, putting herself in others' shoes. She is kind. She cares with pure love. She possesses charity. She has a gift for it, and she is a true gift to me. I really do think that she has been able to teach me about my Heavenly Mother without even knowing it. I wish all of you could meet my mother because then you would be able to see a glimmer of her greatness.
Also full of love, I have my dad. He is so wise. In fact, I know he knows me better than I know myself. Crazy, right? But, true. He is incredibly smart and is able to discern everything around him so well, whether it be people or situations. He puts thought into everything, making sure his next action is in line with God and His plan. He connects with people, making them feel like they are something because they really are. Like my mother has done, my dad teaches me about my relationship with my Heavenly Father through the way he speaks to me, the way he corrects me, and the way he expresses his fatherly love to me. That is more than I could ask for.
So yeah, those two people in the middle of the family? They are the best. My mom and dad have taught me important things that I need to have and do when I am a parent such as possessing charity, being thoughtful, and following God's commandments. Most of all, they have taught me that there is no need to fear as long as the Lord is with me. As I am following God's plan for me, He will guide me and help me become the parent my future children need. I don't need to spend time worrying if I will be good enough for them or if I will have the ability to care for them in a way that will help them because ultimately, the Lord will guide me as I act and continue in faith.


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