Fathers & Finances

I have been talking about my dad recently so I think I might as well keep up the streak. My dad has always been so hard working and pushing forward to help his family. As I was growing up in the home, I remember him leaving early and coming home late. He owns a construction company so he is able to make his own hours. He has supported us from day one and made sure all of our needs and even some of our wants were met. Even know when most of the kids are out of the house, he still cares for us. For instance, I am going to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in northern Porto Alegre, Brazil. That would not be possible without the financial support of my father. He has helped me with so much with college and other needs so that I will not fall into debt.  I love my dad so much, and that love comes a lot more from different things other than the financial security part of things, but we will have to focus on that a different time.
As you can probably tell, I come from a very traditional family. My dad goes to work, and my mother stays home and tends to things that are in need of care there like cleaning the kitchen or organizing the office. I realize that other households are different because they might have different circumstances or they just enjoy it more that way. Some of these ways could include both the wife and the husband have an occupation. Another could be the wife working while the husband stays home. There are also many other different ways to create an income in the home, but I just named a few.
Something that I would like to focus on is mothers and the pressure they receive from needing to work or staying home with the kids. Now a days, we are seeing more and more, especially as feminism increases in the United States, that women are being pressured into having a job even with kids in the home. People think that women have more power than men so they put themselves to work as well to prove a point. However, some mothers do need to work and that should not be looked down upon. Some mothers need to stay home with their children and that should not be looked down upon either.
An interesting statistic was mentioned in my class at Brigham Young University of Idaho and I would like to share it with you. A study was conducted and they had found that a couple with both the husband and wife working were actually losing money because of the costs of the second job such as clothing, transportation, etc. I think that it is extremely important and crucial to have a conversation with your spouse discussing the pros and cons of having a second earner because there will be more costs that come into play.
Ultimately, I think it should be a decision made with your spouse and with God. The choice for a woman and/or a man to work should not be based on what the world is telling them. It should be based off of personal needs and interest. I strongly believe that our Heavenly Father should be included on these decisions as well because He knows what is best for us on an individual basis. Do not go to work just to prove a point. I think that sounds kind of miserable. Go to work if it is what you personally need and want.


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