Social Class & Cultural Diversity

When we think of the word culture, we usually think of the beautiful different races and variety of people around the world. However, I learned this week that there are many different types of culture that are more than just race. First, let us define the word. The meaning of culture is "the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group." So yes, we have a certain type of culture based off of where we originate from, but we also have certain family cultures. For instance, my family has different traditions and processes than your family does. In a way, families are different social groups. We interact with each other every day, progressing forward together. We help, sustain, and support. Families develop systems and traditions which essentially creates a culture. I love my family's culture and the way we go about things because it is all done with love. As I have grown up, I have noticed different rules and traditions that I want to keep and a few that I actually might not want in my future home. 
My dad always taught me that responsibility equals freedom. This has become a frequently used statement in the home and my mind as well. As my dad taught us what those words really mean, it goes without saying that all of my family members act with responsibility. This lesson has become part of our culture and the way we work within the family. "Responsibility equals freedom" is definitely something I want to take into my future home.
Another tradition that sticks out to me is family scripture study and prayer. Every night my family would get together before we would go to bed to study the Book of Mormon together. What an amazing experience. I will never forget these moments I shared with my family because it brought us so much closer. So much is able to become of something so small as long as the Holy Ghost is there. Praying with them brought us on a whole new level too because we were strengthening our relationship with Heavenly Father together. We have received countless blessings from doing this, so I definitely will keep this tradition for my future family. 
Something in my family's culture that we struggled (but I would like to improve on) with is family dinner. It was so difficult for my family to plan accordingly because there were so many things going on at the same time. From my dad working longs hours, to sports, piano lessons, church meetings, babysitting, it became so tiring to carry out a successful family dinner. My hope is that as a mother I will be able to plan a family dinner every Sunday. It is very important to me because it gives a chance for the parents and kids to be present and interested in each other. Relationships are definitely strengthened this way.
When I was in high school, one of my favorite things coming home to was a delicious snack that my mom had prepared beforehand for us. This was a very rare occasion though. My mom is such a sweetheart. She would always be out and about serving other people in the ward or our neighborhood. I want to be like her when I grow up. Selfless and patient. However, I missed spending time with her after school. An after-school snack always helped our relationship with each other because we had the opportunity to talk more. When I become a mother, I want to create an environment or type of culture where my kids will always feel like they can tell me anything. I think an "after school snack" will help with this because let's be honest, all kids love food made especially for them.
A family is something that I've always wanted have, and a mother is a role that I've also wanted to play. I hope that I will be able to preserve my family's culture and improve some aspects of it in my future home.  


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